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Lots of pics
Its pics of me,my friends and the stuff I like

Cheesy grin
Its me with a look of....I dont know wat you culd call it.Its just plain weared
Nathan,the wall and my board
Well its a wall erm..with Nathan standing next to it and board is there.Kind of sumd up in the title.
The Files
Me and Nathan found these secret goverment files dumped in the middle of no where.Who knows what wierd and wonderful things they contain.I would know but they where soaked and unreadable so I guess we'll never know.Oh well.
Poor Sheep
I flatened a sheep with this barrel.Well what do you expect he looked at me funny.It was probably a gay sheep anyway.But it did seem to know Nathan.
Motion Blur
Nathans sketchy boardslide/fs smith.Done at the famous "Spider Park".For some reason when ever Nathan gets on a board and I take a picture it becomes blured.
A Bong
Nathan is so proad of his bongs.This is the yellow and black striped one that he made me walk for 10 minuites to find.What a waste of walking power.
Watch th Train!!!
I worned Nathan that train tracks usually have trains that go along them but would he listen.HELL NO!!No one ever does.You'd think they'd learn.